Zen Koi 2 is a sequel to the meerising collection game Zen Koi that follows the Asian myth about Koi ascending into Dragons. Developed by LandShark Games, Zen K...
Zen Koi 2 is a sequel to the meerising collection game Zen Koi that follows the Asian myth about Koi ascending into Dragons. Developed by LandShark Games, Zen Koi 2 is a free-to-play mobile game that offers an enhanced experience with new features built on the well-loved core gameplay of languid action and strategic collection. Featuring the new Dragon Realm and My Pond, you can now play with your ascended Dragon and decorate your own pond! Notes on Permissions required: Zen Koi 2 is free to download and play. However, optional items are available via In-App Purchase within the game to expand upon your gameplay experience. Zen Koi 2 gives away free pearls when you watch video ads. On some devices, those ads need to be stored temporarily on the external memory card. For that to work, please allow Zen Koi 2 permission to 'access photos, media and files'. By downloading this game, you agree to our Terms of Service & Privacy Policy: http://www.landsharkgames.com/terms-of-service/ http://www.landsharkgames.com/privacy-policy/
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