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黑松鼠跳一跳是微信最新推出的游戲小程序跳一跳的輔助軟件,最近有小伙伴反映打不開了,這是怎么回事,和小編一起來看看吧~ 黑松鼠微信跳一跳...[詳情]
微信跳一跳防封號輔助使用教程 微信跳一跳輔助軟件下載,微信跳一跳輔助工具怎么下載? 微信跳一跳輔助加分工具詳解、是不是好多小伙伴不知道,那些...[詳情]
微信《跳一跳》黑松鼠輔助哪里下載?黑松鼠輔助怎么下載?這篇微信《跳一跳》黑松鼠輔助下載地址,希望可以幫大家。 微信跳一跳有外掛嗎?微信跳一...[詳情]
微信《跳一跳》游戲黑松鼠輔助刷分神器好用嗎?這篇微信《跳一跳》游戲黑松鼠輔助刷分神器,希望可以幫大家。 自 2017 年 12 月 28 ...[詳情]
微信游戲《跳一跳》黑松鼠輔助外掛免費下載地址 想要下載微信跳一跳黑松鼠輔助工具點擊即可?。ㄏ螺d) 打開黑松鼠跳一跳輔助,設置游戲參數(shù),微...[詳情]
微信《跳一跳》游戲黑松鼠輔助刷分神器好用嗎?這篇微信《跳一跳》游戲黑松鼠輔助刷分神器,希望可以幫大家。 自 2017 年 12 月 28 ...[詳情]
Jump Jump was the most popular puzzle game in China, Do you know why does it?why it could be? why Chinese people like to play this simple game? it's just a simple game, just play and you will find the reason by yourself. How to play Jump Jump : Jump Jump was Very simple to play and very fun. Players press and hold on screen, the little hero will jump to the next cube when the finger is released. The longer the press is the further the hero can jump. you just be careful do not let the hero fall off the cube, or the game is over. Try it out and have fun! Jump Jump game strategy: 1, continuous jump to the center of box, you will get score +2, +4, +6 ... 2, jump to music box and stay 5 second, then play music and the score +30. 3, jump to the convenience store and stay 5 second, Convenience stores will open and the score +15. 4, jump to Rubik's Cube and stay 5 second, the Rubik's cube will rotate, and the score +10. 5, jump to cover and stay 5 second, the cover will play flush sound and the score +5. The features of Jump Jump : 1. the most popular puzzle game. 2. Easy to use,easy to play. 3. Funny and make you Smarter. 4. Game is automatically saved. 5. Beautiful and simple UI. Jump Jump tips: 1. immediately jump,! 2. quick to look around! 3. Be careful not to fall! Thank you for play my game,we will make it better and better more and more funny.